Student Directory Information for All Other Purposes

What uses are considered All Other Purposes?

All other purposes include requests for student information made under the Texas Public Information Act (TPIA). Anyone can make a request under the TPIA, including parent organizations, vendors, news media, or private citizens. 

For All Other Purposes, directory information includes:

  • Student name

  • Address

If you say "YES" to All Other Purposes:

Your child’s name and address can be released to any person who requests this information. This may include a campus parent organization (PTO) for the purposes of creating personalized student materials, a vendor aiming to build a mailing database, a news reporter, or any private citizen.

If you say "NO" to All Other Purposes:

Your child’s name and address will not be released to any person who requests this information. If any person requests a list of student names and addresses (whether the person represents a Parent Teacher Organization, media, a vendor, etc.), your child’s name and address will not be included on the list that is released.

Please note:

By law, a requestor does not have to tell the district why they are seeking student information. The district is legally prohibited from asking a requestor their purpose for requesting or intent for using student information.