Information for Juniors

Interested in College?

Our advice - go visit your top choices and see if the school is a good "fit" for you.

Students get two college visits per year that won't count against exemptions. Just bring back a letter from the colleges you visit.

Go To College Fairs

Calendar of Virtual College Fairs

Virtual College Fair Guide

Exciting News: College Board Opportunity Scholarships are now open for the Class of 2022.  By completing college steps with College Board, students have an opportunity to earn scholarships.  Lubbock-Cooper 2020 graduate Ali Arain won $40,000 along with 25 other students from around the country.

Military Contacts

Airforce -
Airforce ROTC -
Army - 

ROTC Information

Army National Guard -
Marines - Sargeant Javier A Vela - 806-681-5462
Navy - 

If you would like to meet with a military recruiter, email